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Therdex is a distinctive and high-quality PVC brand for style-conscious consumers and professionals. From modern to classic and from Scandinavian to industrial, Therdex has a suitable floor for every living style. The true-to-nature designs are barely distinguishable from the real thing and, with a wide choice of different formats, offer endless possibilities for creative floor designs and laying patterns. Therdex PVC floors excel in maintenance and ease of use and, thanks to their environmentally friendly properties, are not only a stylish but also an environmentally conscious choice.

At Therdex, we value sustainability and the use of healthy and safe materials. For our floors, we exclusively use biodegradable biosoftening agents based on sustainable soybean oil. This means that our plasticizers do not contain phthalates, are biodegradable and are harmless to people and the environment. In addition, Therdex floors last a long time and are recyclable. To ensure our sustainability promise, our products are extensively inspected and tested. The various labels and sustainability certificates prove that Therdex floors meet the highest environmental and health requirements worldwide.